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Day 10: 21 Day Challenge to a Happier and Healthier YOU!

April 27, 2023
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Here we are... 10 days in on your journey to a happier and healthier YOU. Today Indigo Yoga is challenging you to make time for your hobbies. When was the last time you did something just because you want to? Do you like to paint? Golf? Scrapbook? Do yoga? You are never “too busy” to live your life. Make some time for those hobbies!


Take a look at this artist's thoughts on The Importance of Hobbies

Don't forget - keep track of your eating habits, sleeping patterns, hydration, and activity level today. Eat lots of vegetables, get rid of added sugar, limit gluten and dairy intake and drink plenty of water! Keep a journal and take 5-10 minutes this morning to set an intention and meditate to kick start your day. Wind down with 5-10 minutes at the end of your day by reflecting on the day and record your feelings and results. Send your journal notes or any questions to us at for additional support and guidance. Need some ideas for boosting your activity? Here's today's yoga class schedule: 9:15am Vinyasa Power Yoga, 5:30pm Vinyasa Flow, and 6:45pm Restorative Yoga

Namaste :)

-       The Indigo Yoga team

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